Nathan Begley

Nathan Begley is Managing Director of Upstream Energy, Australia’s longest serving provider of solar Power Purchase Agreements.

Upstream owns and manages over 350 sites Australia-wide including Beacon Lighting, Fairfield Homemaker Centre and Australia’s first 100% off-grid sustainable school, Atlantis Beach Baptis College in Western Australia.

Nathan founded Upstream in 2013 after 16 years in urban firefighting with Fire and Rescue NSW.

Nathan was a keynote speaker at GreenX Talks 2023.

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“The generation amount of coal fired power stations that will be shut down in the next 11 years is the same amount of generation needed by the state of NSW at 7.00am in the morning – 7 GW or 7 million kilowatts. To power the electric vehicles needed in future is 40 times that amount. We need to invest massive amount of money and innovation into fixing this problem.“

Nathan Begley, Managing Director of Upstream Energy

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